The Moon is a new world of opportunity. Astrolab will help you access it.
The surface area of the Moon is 38 million square kilometers. A new land to explore and derive resources from.
Soon, FLEX Rover will enable hundreds of tons of modular payloads to be deployed each month in support of human operations on the Moon.
FLEX Rover is key to activities such as building infrastructure, conducting science experiments and extracting resources to evolve future human outposts.
Astrolab has created
the multi-functional
with this burgeoning
economy in mind.
Astrolab has created the multi-functional FLEX Rover with this burgeoning economy in mind. FLEX Rover’s unique commercial potential comes from its novel mobility system, which gives it the ability to pick up and deposit modular payloads enabling a sustained presence on the Moon and beyond.

Setting the extraterrestrial cargo standard
We’ve open-sourced our payload design for the world to use.
FLEX Universal Payload is a format for cargo transportation and delivery optimized to meet the challenges of interplanetary travel and deployment on other worlds using the FLEX Rover system.
Every FLEX Rover can transport a 1600 kg payload, with volumes in excess of 3m³ fully configurable for both science and brand payloads.
“Our modular payload capability gives FLEX Rover tremendous versatility, which is necessary to accomplish things both when astronauts are there, but also when they’re not there.”
The Moon is the next frontier for science and brands.
Science Payloads
FLEX Rover can accommodate payloads with volumes in excess of 3m³ and as much as 1600 kg in mass. Multiple rovers can also collaborate to move even larger payloads – for example for lander relocation or outpost construction. FLEX Rover can support human operations, teleoperated or semi-autonomous science, exploration, logistics, site survey and construction, and other activities critical to a sustained presence on the Moon and beyond.
Brand Payloads
Because humanity will always push the boundaries, the sky is no longer the limit.
The Moon is a new world that demands incredible product innovation and expression that create extraordinary stories to fuel your brand now and for generations to come.
At Astrolab we believe that the brands that are natives of these new worlds will secure not only fame but their futures as the Lunar economy becomes a reality.
We’re proud to already be partnered with these brands to help them achieve their Lunar goals:
Are you ready to go One Step Further
Getting science experiments or brand payloads to the Moon may seem initially daunting.
That’s why Astrolab will partner with you at every stage to deploy your science or brand payload successfully on the Lunar surface:

Contact us
Contact us to learn more about the possibilities and exact specifications of FLEX Universal Payload

We’ll work with you to configure your cargo for the FLEX Universal Payload

Lunar Preparation
We’ll partner with you to optimize your science or brand payload for Lunar success